Saturday, April 2, 2011

Going strong! .. well.. going..

Sorry, I'm tired and don't really feel like writing anything, but here is the days update!
Oh, and I slept for 6.5 hours last night, so I got my goal. :)

Breakfast: 2 strawberries, half a banana, greek yogurt, sprinkled with cinnamon and PB2. POINTS: 4

This honestly feels decadent and like a sweet treat.

Snack: Hummus & 1 Wasa. POINTS: 1.5

Gotta get my Wasa in.

Lunch: Bigger lunch because I still haven't done any shopping, so I didn't know what on earth I was having for dinner, (no time for cooking, need to work) but figured it would probably be something lighter. Two taco's leftover from the lion and the munchkins dinner last night. POINTS: 9

Not the most attractive food, but it did the job -  honestly, I'd have preferred my chicken avocado wasa's though.

Dinner:  Fritatta made with 1/2 a sweet potato, broccoli, spinach, canadian bacon, 1 egg and 4 egg whites. Had it with 2 pieces whole wheat bread. Lucky I had that heavier lunch, because I didn't get a break to eat at work. stupid job. POINTS:  5.5

Sweet potato is awesome in fritatta. I found this out today.

Bits & Pieces: Milk & sugar in my coffee. iced coffee at work. couple sips of sample drink at work. POINTS: 4

Exercise: 30 minutes Jenny, 130 crunches. POINTS Earned: 3

Daily POINTS Allowed: 22 + 3 exercise POINTS = 25
Daily POINTS Used: 24 /25 - used 2 exercise POINTS.
Weekly POINTS: 0 used so 34/35 still left.

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